Want To Renovate But Don’t Know Where To Start?

Here’s our step-by-step guide to home improvements. Have fun!

1. Set out your goals. 

Work out your why…Is it to live in and enjoy for the next 30 years, or to flip? To add more light or more space or make the home more modern? Answering these questions will help formulate your plan. For our past and present clients, think of this as our ‘Plan of Attack’ document we put together at the beginning of your property search. Write out what you're doing and why, this will be your anchor throughout the process. 

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What can you buy for $600k in Melbourne?

You’ve been saving for a while now, you've spoken to a finance professional, and they’ve said you can buy a house for around $600k. Well done! You should be really proud of yourself! 

In this blog we’re going to show you a few areas and property types which we deem to be good investment options. We will also show you an example of a recently sold property that reflects what we would consider to be good real estate. 

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Property Hunting With A Partner?

Our top tips to ensure you stay together in the process!

So you’re in the market for a love shack? One of the largest demographics we work with is couples, we’ve truly seen it all. So unless you’re also in the market for some hefty couples counseling bills, listen up kids.

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How To Avoid Capital Gains Tax

Firstly, what is Capital gains tax (AKA CGT)... It is a levy you are obliged to pay on the capital gain made from the sale of an asset.

A capital gain (or loss) is the difference between what you paid for an asset and what you sold it for (less any fees incurred during the purchase). So, if you sell a property for more than you paid for it, there will be a capital gain. And if you sell it for less, that is considered a capital loss.

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Off The Plan. Pros And Cons

As a general rule, we don’t buy off the plan (OTP) property for our clients. However, there are some circumstances within which an off-the-plan purchase may fit. It really comes back to your property purchasing strategy. Are you buying for cash flow and depreciation? Or to be able to value add and for capital growth? Answering questions like these might be able to give you an answer as to whether or not off-the-plan purchases are right for you!

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The Value of Value Adding

We’re always talking to our clients about whether a property has room to add value through renovation, but why? Because it’s a great way to manufacture your own growth in the property. Rather than sitting back hoping the market will go up in your favour. You’re putting the performance of the property in your own hands.

What do we mean by ‘value-adding’? We mean spending a dollar, to make 3 (or more!).

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Buyers Advocates and The Block

So you’ve watched advocates bidding like crazy on The Block and you’re wanting to know more about buyers' advocates and how it all works.

First of all, what you see on the block is NOT a good representation of what we do.

The thought of purchasing inflated real estate for our clients so we can get our name in lights for a few minutes doesn’t quite fit in with our business ethos.

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3 Reasons Why You Should Get A Building and Pest Inspection

No matter how good or bad a property appears to be, we always recommend getting a building and pest inspection. 

We have seen perfect looking 5 year old apartments riddled with water leaks, and what you perceive to be dilapidated houses come back with structurally sound concrete stumps and perfect plaster work! All they need are some new weatherboards and a heavy duty paint job!

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Auction do’s and don'ts

We’re talking in person auctions.. they may take place in front of the property on the street, inside the property or in a boardroom at the agents office. Let’s unpack a few strategies and considerations, but remember… Just like real estate itself this is not an exact science, there is no one particular formula for success when it comes to auctions.

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What*not* to look for in property

So often we hear clients start their search, picking apart property with a fine tooth comb.. But unfortunately property is imperfect. Property needs money spent on it and they simply wont tick all your boxes.

Its very common for clients to come to us exhausted and overwhelmed with their spreadsheets and lists of property must-haves. We’d like to think we are magicians and property developers, but we’re not. We can't build our clients' dream home, we can merely work out what is non-negotiable and what's negotiable. Typically, this is determined by what can be changed and what can't. The orientation can’t be changed, the location, property style, access to amenities and transport, can’t be changed. These are the things to look for and focus on. 

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Auction Pass In

The market was extremely strong in 2021, with auction pass ins a rare occurrence. However, this year we are seeing it back as a common scenario for a property to pass in at auction, and often promptly sell to the highest bidder in negotiations afterwards. 

We want to explore what this means and how to navigate it - if you find yourself in the hot seat!

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Beaumaris - The sleepy suburb by the bay

If you’re looking for a sea and tree change, Beaumaris has it all. Bordered almost exclusively by golf courses, parks and beautiful beaches, it’s no wonder Beaumaris is highly sought by families looking to live in a safe bayside environment.

Harking back to the good old days of suburban living, the tree lined streets come whisper quiet and the neighbours extra friendly. With a handful of shopping strips and ‘The Concourse’ where you’ll find the buzz, you may be able to get a good coffee and some eggs on toast but you’d be hard pressed to find much more! No that’s not true, there's definitely a cute pizzeria that opened up in the early 2000’s somewhere in there (no wait, that was Black Rock)!

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