What the market looks like between now and Christmas

36 sleeps till Christmas! Although in real estate, we countdown the number of auction weekends until Christmas, and there’s only 5 of those left for the year! Wow. Where has the year gone??

So with only 5 auction weekends to go before we kick into a new year, let’s take a look at what that means for buyers and potential sellers hoping to transact pre Xmas.

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Tiny Houses: Are they worth investing in as a first home?

In the age of smashed avo on toast, eco-friendly living and a general vibe among Millenials of wanting freedom in work, life and surroundings (thanks, pandemic), the tiny house revolution is a comin'!

You might have seen the Scandi-minimalist / bohemian-chic imagery of these teeny homes online. Or watched the many sea-change-inspired property shows with couples 'packing it all in' moving out of cities for a rural, nomadic life on a shoestring. But is it a viable investment decision, with a promise of an idyllic lifestyle? Perhaps, but be warned, not all tiny homes are built equal.

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Negative, Positive & Neutral Gearing… wtf?!

You’re looking at buying an investment property and suddenly everyone starts talking about ‘gearing’... negative... positive... neutral... wtf?!

What does it all mean? It’s actually very important you understand the basics of it, if you are investing in property. So let’s investigate.

When it comes to investing, the term 'gearing' refers to borrowing to buy an asset.  It is simply a way to describe borrowing to invest. So if you take out a loan to buy a rental property, your investment is said to be geared.

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Micro Markets: Why “How’s the market?” is never a straightforward question.

‘How’s the market?’ asks every man and his dog… Our answer usually goes one of two ways, if we want to move things right along the answer is simple, ‘Booming!’

If the person asking, is looking to understand where things are sitting within parameters that actually mean something to them and their property search, or the sale of their property, we pull up a chair…

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School Zones: The True Cost of a Free Education

Do school zones have an effect on housing prices in Melbourne? You bet they do!

Unless you have school-aged children or are planning to have kids in the near future, school zones are unlikely to be high on the priority list when it comes to the criteria for your dream home. However, you could be doing yourself a disservice when it comes to capital growth potential if you’re not taking this into account.

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The lowdown on pre-settlement inspections

So you’ve bought a property, you’re waiting eagerly for settlement to come around. You’ve called the agent or the agent has called you to book in the pre-settlement inspection or final inspection as it’s otherwise known.. What now?

Well a few things to flag right from the outset which a lot of buyers don’t realise that the vendor doesn’t actually have to have the property vacant for this inspection, nor do they have to have the power on. 

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WFH in Regional Victoria & the COVID property boom

There is no doubt COVID has changed the way people are working. No longer are businesses demanding employees work 9-5 Monday to Friday from CBD office buildings. Pure joy has spread through the community of commuters who were regularly wasting up to 2hours of their day getting in and out of the office. Saving on parking costs, Myki fees, $28 salads and everything else that comes with it. The flexibility it has created is undeniable, but is this new way of life sustainable and what does it mean for the property market?

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WHERE to buy vs WHAT to buy

Firstly, let us clarify that we are not debating the ‘location, location, location’ catch cry. Our philosophy is to buy the worst house in the best street you can afford. However, that is exactly where a lot of people become unstuck.

When we first sit down with clients, they’re usually wanting to buy a big house in their dream suburb. Unfortunately, more often than not they simply cannot afford both.

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4 Reasons Why Main Roads are a No Go

In a hot market, it is very easy to start breaking the golden rules when it comes to buying property. One of the biggest mistakes we have seen people make in a rising market is starting to compromise their search and location is usually the first thing people will forgo.

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Buying Before Auction

Real estate is one of those loosely regulated industries whereas a buyer, it can often feel like absolutely anything goes, because in many aspects… anything goes!

Particularly when it comes to buying property prior to an advertised auction date. There are countless ways agents can manage this and it is completely up to them how they decide to process an acceptable offer prior to auction.

Without a crowd of competing buyers at public auction supporting your idea of the property value, it can be stressful knowing how to play your hand without putting all your cards on the table.

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5 Things you can Do to Improve the Sustainability of your Home

We’re all becoming more aware of the need to be eco-friendly. These days, many of us do the basics such as recycling rubbish (correctly!), without thinking about it too much. But its 2021 and time to step it up a notch. Below we’ve included some simple steps we can all achieve which encourage a more sustainable way of life. The best part, they not only help the planet but are easier on our wallets too! Win Win!

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4 Tips on How to Handle a Hot Market.

So you’re wanting to get into the property market, get in line friend! You might be out there looking to buy an investment property or perhaps it’s a home to live in, whatever you’re on the hunt for, one thing is for sure, you’ve found yourself smack bang in the middle of one of the hottest markets we’ve seen in our 10 years in real estate. SO GOOD LUCK!

Aside from the seemingly never-ending media reports telling us real estate is on fire, you are also likely to see nightclub long lines at open for inspections, 5 + bidders at auctions, fewer properties to choose from and agents as hard to get a hold of as hand sanitizer in 2020!

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3 Tips to Dave your First Home Deposit Faster

Slapping on that sold sticker could be here quicker than you think!  

We want to give you some easy to achieve money-saving tips, because we know first-hand the benefits of getting into the property market sooner rather than later. The only thing standing in your way is that pesky deposit… so let’s get saving!

Learning to save is one of the most important life lessons (which hasn’t quite made the school curriculum yet…. Shout out to those super useful Algebra lessons!). Don’t stress if you’ve found it hard to save in the past, it’s a difficult thing for many people regardless of age or income. Hopefully, by the end of this article, you’ll be on your way to financial freedom!

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Is it Time to Downsize your Home?

Have the kids officially flown the coup and you’re left in an oversized family home with far too many bathrooms to clean to make sense!?

Are you dreaming of a life where mowing the lawns doesn’t take an entire weekend and heading off on a month long vacay is simply a matter of turning the key and walking away??

Whatever your reasons are, the time inevitably comes in most people’s lives where the 5-bedroom thumper no longer makes sense and it’s time to sell the beloved family home.

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