5 Types of People Who Use Us, and Why!

Naturally, we think everyone should use us… We level the playing field and ensure the average buyer doesn’t land themselves against a professional negotiator with decades of experience. 

But who actually uses a buyers advocate? Here’s a snapshot of the people who use us and why:

The First Timer

We get a surprisingly large amount of first time buyers using us, and there are a huge range of reasons for this. 

  1.  If you get this first step in your property purchasing journey wrong, it can delay or hinder your wealth creation moving forward. 

  2. You don't know what you don't know! Why would you spend your life savings and wing it without having a professional on your side showing you the insider tips and tricks so you know what to do next time yourself. 

  3. Parents might be helping out financially but there is a fine line between them injecting their opinion in the process which may or may not be of help. The reporting and due diligence we provide, gives loved ones comfort that the first timer is making sound decisions.

  4. The investment in the service is really an investment in knowledge which will last a lifetime and mean they are equipped with the knowledge to confidently complete the next purchase alone (if they want to!). 

The Time Poor Professionals / Upsizers

These are usually the upsizers which are considering the next purchase to be one where fur babies and real babies might be on the cards or already upon them. They could probably do it themselves, but they simply don’t have the energy for it! 

  1. They want us to field those pesky agent calls on a monday or tuesday 

  2. They want us to pre-vet and inspect property to make sure they arent wasting their valuable downtime looking at realestate which isnt right.

  3. They need some of the emotion taken out of the process, maybe even some couples counselling to make sure everyones opinion is heard and reason is had. 

  4. They know the value of outsourcing. They are good at their job, and they want a professional buying their realestate. 

  5. They like options. So they like working with us for those tasty off market properties. 

The Local Investor

They've probably got their foot in the Melbourne real estate market, and they like what its done to the value of the place they live in (hello capital growth). And so they know the value of buying real estate for capital growth and not cash flow. They dont what their money sitting in the bank anymore, and want to start their property portfolio in their backyard. 

  1. They want us to provide some sound investing options with pros and cons to get started

  2. They don't want house and land packages, off the plan options, or a house on stilts in far north queensland. 

  3. They want us to do all the leg work and the due diligence and present the best option for them to move forward

  4. They want help with any works to update the property before a tenant moves in 

  5. They want us to source a great property manager and negotiate fees

The Downsizer(s)

Purchased the family home 25 years ago and need some up to date guidance on how to navigate the property market. 

  1. They want to feel like they have someone in their corner to navigate them through the somewhat murky agents conversations

  2. They want a personalised service where they can inspect off market and on market properties with the comfort of their own private inspections on their schedule. 

  3. They dont want to get involved in light cosmetic updates on a property.. But thats often what properties need.. So we help them coordinate a coat of paint or the laying of fresh carpet. 

  4. Sometimes in realestate, one needs to make quick decisions. When we’re on board, they feel comfortable and confident in their decisions as they have a professional sounding board who has been through the process of buying real estate over 1000 times! 

The Relocator(s)

What is the South East? We’ll show you the way. We service a very limited area of Melbourne, and there's a reason for that.. We want to be able to talk to you about the local cafes, shopping areas and the good pockets and the not so good ones. 

  1. They may be coming from another country and are not comfortable with out auction process here in melbourne

  2. They may need on the ground assistance to inspect and take videos of the property and surrounding area

  3. They may want advice on what are good areas for schools or for a ‘music scene’. 

  4. They may need help deciphering good property from bad, or good pockets from bad

  5. They want a curated experience where they get weekly summaries of property options both on and off market, and help to secure them by negotiations or bidding. 

As you can see, there are many types of buyers who use us and countless reasons why. But we think the reason our clients come back to us for their 2nd and 3rd purchase and why we get so many past client referrals is because we treat them like family. We give them real, honest advice and we’re not transactional. We have clients sending us renovation photos, fur baby addition updates, real baby pics and more, for years after we’ve purchased for them.. And we wouldn't have it any other way.